Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Why Juice is good for me :)

Today I start, I have not been feeling all that well, I have been feeling icky and my tummy is in constant turmoil and sometimes we tend not to do things we need to be doing. Me I love food, I love to cook I really enjoy making new recipes. I have alot of weaknesses the first one is tamales, black beans and chocolate. I love chocolate anything..I have a bunch of carnivores in my house and no matter what i say they have certain veggies they will eat and thats it. The males in the house are meat and potato men greens on their plate and their nose twist upward LOL they really have to get over this..

I have read numerous books about Raw food, Vegetarianism and Juicing I really love juicing its just fun to me and my littles she is 11 and she likes to cut the fruits and veggies to fit in the juicer. What I have come to realize over the years is I have several issues and they are not healthy habits..smoking, oversleeping, no energy to get up in the morning and at night problems falling asleep, it was so horrible well I quit smoking months ago.. My lungs feel so great than I started adding more fruits and veggies to my diet, basically whenever I wanted a smoke I would eat a grape or a cherry and would also scold myself and say NO i don't want that.. I quit cold turkey , I want to live a long healthy life with my husband and children.

Drinking juice and smoothies has given me energy I no longer sleep past 8am , I can awaken before my alarm clock rings, it feels so great. Fruits and veggies has changed me in a small amount of time but now its time for a fast, you start to feel weighed a bit and my body needs refreshing....I started a blog so I could keep track of my progress, share with others and learn with others..

If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want.  ~Elbert Hubbard

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on quitting smoking and starting a new healthy journey! Wishing you all the best and success!
