Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 5

All is well, woke up and I still have that scratchy throat icky, hoping it goes away soon.. Had my wheatgrass shot and drank  some water. I had no appetite and had no hunger feeling this morning, I just went on about my day and ran a few errands that wouldn't take much time.. I didn't bring any juice with me cause I had about an hour of errands to do or so I though... I stopped by walmart last for copy paper , and I spotted a cool cup now normally i would not be tickled about a drinking glass, but i found myself very excited about this insulated cranberry colored drinking cup with a screw on lid it is the coolest thing I have seen. I grabbed it cause I wanted it LOL no really My juices need a special cup and the cup is perfect to keep them chilled..

I have found that I am not craving food, I can prepare solid food for my children and hubby and I have no urge to pop it in my mouth, my oldest daughter is my taster. Now she is a vegetarian for over a year she is awesome, I must learn from her she has great willpower I totally admire and she got alot of slack at school from kids but she is a trooper and kept at it. Anyway she wanted Jimaca fries and Flourless Brownies so I made some for her the boy now turned his nose at those fries but he devoured those brownies hmmm and he thought they were not healthy LOL.

I have been reading alot during this time, spending most my days reading from the net I really would love to try a raw food diet after this.. I have cooked raw food before occasionally but not all the time. I really want to try this and give it a shot..I am used to cooking Vegetarian and dead food as I have learned its called.. Still learning I love learning new things , I found a bunch of blogs and sites I really have enjoyed reading articles from.

Awww so today for me:
My menu will be
My wheatgrass shot (I really love this stuff to bad I don't have a juicer that can handle wheatgrass)
24 Oz of green juice ( it was Spinach, Kale, Grape, apple mixture)
24 oz V-8 style juice I was really craving a V-8 so I juiced one up.
I will drink as much rejuvelac as I can , I have done pretty good so far..
1/2 litre of  cherry jubilee ( cherries where on sale this week @ whole foods they are yummy juiced )

total 64 oz plus water intake.. I am trying to get my nutritional value in but I am only drinking when I feel hungry and drinking water in If I do get hungry after the nice cleansing cherry juice I will drink a green juice.

Well I enjoyed journaling or rambling LOL off for my swim 20 minutes yesterday I skipped it because of my throat I just didn't want to. Its good weather for it to 98 my thermometer is reading..Have a blessed day all until tomorrow.

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