Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 6

Woke up the scratchy throat is almost gone, had a runny nose, feels like a cold but I am sure its just a side effect to the detox, I drank tons of water today its blazing hot out, so hot my AC quit functioning, AC companies are so busy I am to wait 3 days called so many that was the shortest wait goodness so I went and bought a portable AC to keep me cool. Thank goodness for Craigslist cause I love buying NIB items for half price. Craigslist rocks!!!

So my day consisted with waking to a broken AC , wheatgrass, and green juice lots of water I took with me and I drove 150 miles round trip to get the AC I did not take a juice with me. Not good cause the hubby and my girl got hungry and we where out in the country where there is southern home cooking restaurants loads and loads of fat, oil and butter ick. I have no craving for this food yeahhhhh me..But if they want a burger it beats McDonalds funky fake meat nappy burgers and their over salted fries.. I was a bit hungry so I walked myself right next door to a gas station , CRAP no organic juice of course so I grabbed me a cranberry grape juice that said all natural was the best option at the moment.. Next time I will remember, I am not used to takin juice with me and in the summer I tend to work from the house and be a pool bum and stay at home with the kids.. When teens grow up they need us , I think more LOL.. well off to make another juice, I haveta keep on my toes and its very hot, the AC is hooked up but its going to take a long while for it to cool the house it was 92 inside the house when I returned, I think I am going to take a cold shower and make some cantaloupe juice , I love that stuff

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