Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 11

Woke up feeling great, I love the fast..everyday is looking better. I did not get my green juice in this am, I drank a liter of water , wheatgrass shot and sipped green tea on the way to yoga class. It was a lovely and relaxing class wonderful way to start out the day I stopped by a vegan restaurant in Franklin, TN and grabbed a green juice.. Hmmm its very yummy. the rest of the day I will drink watermelon, melons are so good I love them in the summer..

Weight 162.3  the toxins are flying outa me :)

Not much going on today just juicin and sitting by the pool watchin the girls play, what an excellent day..

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 10

Wahoooo I am a happy happy happy girl, my HVAC is changed out now the house is cold..and as for the fast awesome as well.. I feel so grand each day the shortness of breath gets better, it was all that smoking I used to do BLAH BLAH nasty stuff..I will never for sure touch another cig...

I did get a sugar baby watermelon off the neighbor i will juice that baby tomorrow yum I can't wait.. I drank loads of water and my juices are in me (wheatgrass, green juice and  cantaloupe)..Right now I have it down pretty good where I don't need anything after 8pm.. It was hard but my body adjusted :)

I am going now for 14 days. However I am thinking on 21 days IDK ,but I am going to a natural doc monday to make sure all is well and just in case I choose to I will be adding things to my juice to maintain nutrition..and another thing I was shocked over is my weight looks like 2 pounds fell off in one day
Weight was 163.7 @ 9am this morning wow wow
Learning: I was awakened a couple nights back by CNN Piers he had Suzanne Somers on and just so happens the first sentence out of her mouth were "SO many toxins in this world" once i heard that & I sat up on the couch and ground the sleepy out my eyes I listened to her whole story , I was weighing buy her book Breathrough , most of celebraty stuff I think some times is hogwash but I thought well she was on CNN gotta be some truth in this book after all .. Today I got it on my nook read half a chapter I look forward to reading it , I am sure I will learn new things to share with others I know :)

I am reaching for the stars I feel good, prolly haven't felt this good since my 20's LOL I will be getting my hormones checked because I have sleep issues that need to be addressed. TOday was fun tomorrow will be better C-YA tomorrow

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Having fun, today was a nice day nice and sunny very hot but there was a breeze so it felt nice.. its almost 8pm and 91 still , hottest week of the summer.. I took a short walk to get my VIT.D and I wanted a cantaloupe went into the garden and picked me one, all day I have been drinks cantaloupe juice hehehe I love this stuff its my favorite of all the juices. Tomorrow I will have to go and try my neighbors melons she planted sugar baby watermelon and has a bunch of them like 10 ready she said I could have one yipppppy I haven't eaten one ever I must try this sugar baby:)

Weight : 165.7
Wheatgrass juice
Green juice
and cantaloupe juice the remainder of the day. Plus water water water I did good with water intake..
I feel so great on this fast my skin has cleared and now the weight just keeps falling so far. Dry skin brush AM I also do it at night I like the way my skin and body feels after. I am still a bit short on breath I tried to trampoline today with the girls, it was fun I don't know how many times I bounced but it was not long before I was like wooooooo no I can't. I went and sat on my rear after that.

I am a bit tired going to take a nap or go to bed early LOL  will have to rise though to feed the husband. Well to all that are fasting good luck and drink well :)) Until tomarrow

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 7 & 8

No AC still, blazing hot outside 102 degrees with heat indexes from 105-115 crazy HOT!!! The sweat is good for me thats what I keep saying , my portable AC is doing okay to keep the loving room comfortable 77 and 80 in the kitchen LOL to bad for the carnivores I am not cooking until my big AC is repaired. down the hall where the bedrooms lay the big AC says 84 but I closed of all the bedroom doors so this baby AC doesn't break to LOL that would be so bad...

ANyway on to the fast
Weight: 167.3lb 
Called many AC places and sat on my arse it was so hot I just drank water or juice and relaxed  I was a couch potato in the afternoon. I did no enema in the evening I recalled I had not been, so I will deal with it tomarrow with a healthy drink to move it along, I was to exhausted by the heat,  and kids .. I had sleep overs and i was scratching my head wondering why anyone would want to sleep in a house with no AC, I warned em all but they did not heed my warning LOL so i had 8 kids and teenagers combined in my house they all ate cereal LOL for breakfast.

I feel awesome,  the gut feels very clean. My whole midsection feels light, I love the feeling. I took my wheat grass shot today picked some pears and apples from my tree and made a nice juice , I need a lil something to help move it along worked like a charm.. My body feels very light its a great feeling.. I did not do any walk this morning it was 92 before 9am just so hot I am getting in my swim in the evening and doing 50 reps on an AB Rocket I could do more but I don't want to stress myself out to much.. I am also dry skin brushing it gives an awesome feeling to the skin and the skin is very smooth.. OHHHH one last thing those dreadful black bags under the eye well those bag are GONE.. YES I am so stoked
all kids left except 2 of mine, my boy went out with his friends to try The Wild Cow mmm well maybe this is rubbing off on him a bit that's a vegetarian restaurant.

I have gotten 1 1/2 liters of water in me before 2pm its that hot i am sipping water all day long
Juice apple, pear 24 oz
celery juice with 2 carrots added to it 24 oz
and now I am sipping a pineapple, grape 
and an evening juice its hard to keep drinking when its hot like this my appetite just is not what it is supposed to be but I am really trying 

I am in the mood for fruits today, my girl was so kind to "TRY" and make a Pineapple, Cucumber juice but she grabbed up a jalapeno and put the whole thing in the juicer holey moley I had to toss that wow my mouth was on fire. so she made a pineapple grape she forgot to rinse my cup so I can taste a hint of that pepper still or maybe it was just that hot LOL I love spicy things but that was HOT LOL

I got these from my garden and 2 huge cucumbers (1 was tossed) but the monster cucumber I still have gotta show hubby its the biggest one I have pulled yet

Was only going to do a & day fast however, yesterday I just got over feeling like I had a cold so I might could do somemore days also I do not crave food, I don't want it so I might as well take advantage of that.. YEAH so on to DAY 9

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 6

Woke up the scratchy throat is almost gone, had a runny nose, feels like a cold but I am sure its just a side effect to the detox, I drank tons of water today its blazing hot out, so hot my AC quit functioning, AC companies are so busy I am to wait 3 days called so many that was the shortest wait goodness so I went and bought a portable AC to keep me cool. Thank goodness for Craigslist cause I love buying NIB items for half price. Craigslist rocks!!!

So my day consisted with waking to a broken AC , wheatgrass, and green juice lots of water I took with me and I drove 150 miles round trip to get the AC I did not take a juice with me. Not good cause the hubby and my girl got hungry and we where out in the country where there is southern home cooking restaurants loads and loads of fat, oil and butter ick. I have no craving for this food yeahhhhh me..But if they want a burger it beats McDonalds funky fake meat nappy burgers and their over salted fries.. I was a bit hungry so I walked myself right next door to a gas station , CRAP no organic juice of course so I grabbed me a cranberry grape juice that said all natural was the best option at the moment.. Next time I will remember, I am not used to takin juice with me and in the summer I tend to work from the house and be a pool bum and stay at home with the kids.. When teens grow up they need us , I think more LOL.. well off to make another juice, I haveta keep on my toes and its very hot, the AC is hooked up but its going to take a long while for it to cool the house it was 92 inside the house when I returned, I think I am going to take a cold shower and make some cantaloupe juice , I love that stuff

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 5

All is well, woke up and I still have that scratchy throat icky, hoping it goes away soon.. Had my wheatgrass shot and drank  some water. I had no appetite and had no hunger feeling this morning, I just went on about my day and ran a few errands that wouldn't take much time.. I didn't bring any juice with me cause I had about an hour of errands to do or so I though... I stopped by walmart last for copy paper , and I spotted a cool cup now normally i would not be tickled about a drinking glass, but i found myself very excited about this insulated cranberry colored drinking cup with a screw on lid it is the coolest thing I have seen. I grabbed it cause I wanted it LOL no really My juices need a special cup and the cup is perfect to keep them chilled..

I have found that I am not craving food, I can prepare solid food for my children and hubby and I have no urge to pop it in my mouth, my oldest daughter is my taster. Now she is a vegetarian for over a year she is awesome, I must learn from her she has great willpower I totally admire and she got alot of slack at school from kids but she is a trooper and kept at it. Anyway she wanted Jimaca fries and Flourless Brownies so I made some for her the boy now turned his nose at those fries but he devoured those brownies hmmm and he thought they were not healthy LOL.

I have been reading alot during this time, spending most my days reading from the net I really would love to try a raw food diet after this.. I have cooked raw food before occasionally but not all the time. I really want to try this and give it a shot..I am used to cooking Vegetarian and dead food as I have learned its called.. Still learning I love learning new things , I found a bunch of blogs and sites I really have enjoyed reading articles from.

Awww so today for me:
My menu will be
My wheatgrass shot (I really love this stuff to bad I don't have a juicer that can handle wheatgrass)
24 Oz of green juice ( it was Spinach, Kale, Grape, apple mixture)
24 oz V-8 style juice I was really craving a V-8 so I juiced one up.
I will drink as much rejuvelac as I can , I have done pretty good so far..
1/2 litre of  cherry jubilee ( cherries where on sale this week @ whole foods they are yummy juiced )

total 64 oz plus water intake.. I am trying to get my nutritional value in but I am only drinking when I feel hungry and drinking water in If I do get hungry after the nice cleansing cherry juice I will drink a green juice.

Well I enjoyed journaling or rambling LOL off for my swim 20 minutes yesterday I skipped it because of my throat I just didn't want to. Its good weather for it to 98 my thermometer is reading..Have a blessed day all until tomorrow.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 4

Woke up feeling great except, the throat is a bit scratchy. My tongue doesn't taste good either, I brushed it really good but ick still.. those toxins are leaving..

I have me some Mega Green juice which is some of each tossed in the juicer
Apple, handful spinach, broccoli, 3" piece pineapple (one mango blended in blender with coconut water)  added to the other juices, it would be good to add a banana but i didn't since I used a mango and both these fruits don't juice well.

Wheat grass shot 1oz ( morning shot)
Mega green 
cherry jubilee 
v-8 style drink
Green Juice (Kale, Parsley and kiwi a glass i sipped on )
drink rejuvelac  one litre I was able to do, I am not much of a water drinker

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 3

Whew I got through the night, see my husband he is from Guatemala and they have this chicken there Pollo Campero well I haven't had this chicken in about a was teasing me the aroma in the house. I just knew though eating it would make my stomach feel icky which stopped me LOL.. These carnivores I tell yeah, well Naomi helped me out even though she doesn't know it. She has this base that tastes like bouillon and it does I made a batch of it I will be drinking that today

Naomi's Base

3  c Celery Juice
4 c Tomato Juice
1 c Leafy Green Juice (Lettuce Kale, Spinach, etc)

I have got my wheatgrass oz in, and Naomis green juice, I thank her for sharing the recipe on her blog, its a nice recipe.. Go visit Naomis blog it has inspired me I read it alot keeps me on my toes")

Went outside to water and check my small little gardren I should of had some tomatoes ready like 5 they are all gone, those birds they pecked my tomato and I was worried about the wild rabbits.. these birds cant eat my food now LOL .

I read every morning I love to read, found an article on Incan Goldenberries, they are supposed to help your body deal with stress and improve circulation. Seems they are better for you than goji berry, support the immune system and have a critical role in detoxification..Interesting I am going to have to read up more on this berry. Also reading about the superfood maca very intesting reads I am finding today

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 2

My Morning Meal
Drank a glass of rejuvelac plus a 1 oz shot of wheatgrass juice and than a refreshing cherry jubilee juice followed later with a nice veggie drink.

Cherry Jubilee
3 inch or so of ripe pineapple, peeled if not organic
1/2 an apple
8 cherries pitted
Makes 8 ounces in my juicer
This juice is supposed to be great to help cleanse the body from skin problems to toxic and waste matter that is in our system.

Popeye's Power
1/2 medium apple
1 handful spinach
4 carrots trimmed
1 celery stalk with leaves
1/2 beet with leaves
1 small handful parsley
Juice all.. I love spinach I read in a book that spinach juice is the most potent of 5 foods tested (carrot, cauliflower,lettuce,strawberry and spinach) i also read in another book that eating spinach per day may cut the risk of cancer, and cut lung cancer in half.. after reading that I load up on my spinach.

Afternoon comes and my tummy needs some more juice I feel hungry so I need more juice I am craving a v8 type drink, but I am not sure I would like some pineapple to hmmm, I think I'll put a chapin spin on it.

Pineapple Spice
For the juicer
pineapple peel removed if not organic
wedge of lime peel removed if not organic
Some onion
For the blender
I was wanting something a little thicker than what comes out of the juicer so I threw some cut up cucumber a small handful of cilantro, a bit of jalapeno blended it all up to bits and pieces than added the juice until it had  a smoothie consistency its yummy

Wahoo feeling good and I have gotten a 20 minute swim in this started to storm so it looks like my evening walk is out and I will be using the wii balance board some marching and hula hoop game it has on there I think its wii fit plus well I will be shakin my bom bom LOL

My brain wants sweetness today but I did get in tomato juice which I love that stuff its great.
I Juiced
6 carrots 
1 pear
1 celery stalk with leaves
Fennel could be added to this I really like it that way but no fennel :(
Yumm my tummy like I will prolly go for more later, some rejuvelac and sip some green tea before bed.. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My day for today

Today was an excellent day, me and my little one tended my lil garden. Smyrna had excellent weather good swimming weather.. I got 30 minutes of pool exercising in. and 30 minutes of yoga already. Yoga I love it I feel such an inner peace.. for breakfast I consumed this delishhhh juice mm-mmm 

I only buy organic fruits and veggies however do not let this stop you buy whatever you can but some fruits need to be peeled if not organic.

Morning Sunrise
1 grapefruit peeled
1 orange peeled
 Folk tales say the white pithy part of these fruits help burn excess fat.. this makes 8oz in my juicer and its helps me relax before i start my day.. I sip it reading the news in the am.

I then ate my breakfast couples hours later when everyone was up and about the house
Morning Energizer
1/2 apple 
5 medium carrots tops removed
1/2 small beet with leaves and stems
1/2 lemon, peeled if not organic
1/2inch piece of ginger root

Juice it all, its a nice energizing drink makes 12 oz in my juicer

My CHOCOLATE FIX remember I love all things chocolate LOL
Chocolate Milk Green Juice
1/2 bunch Spinach
i toss a few leaves in maybe 6-7 Romaine
4-5 Carrots
This is an estimate I cannot really explain how much I put exactly I taste as I juice and when it tastes like chocolate milk I stop adding carrots.. its yummy not as thick as chocolate milk but it fools my taste buds..this is my favorite juice I totally love it, yummmy. I make enough to fill a glass

This is another favorite juice I enjoy, it has a fresh clean taste i really enjoy
1/2 cucumber peeled if not organic
1/2 apple
4-5 carrots
1 small handful parsley
1/2 lemon peeled if not organic
a bit of ginger root
Sometimes i add a tad of ginger root to taste if i feel up to it, I really don't like the gingery taste very much.. Juice all makes almost 12 oz in my juicer

In between when I feel I want to eat I drink rejuvelac and sip Organic green tea they have a mango spice and a pineapple mango I really enjoy. I love sugar and i can drink these teas with no sweetener at all.

How to make Rejuvelac I make the sprouted recipe also make sure you use chlorine free water or it will spoil..
1cup wheat berry to 2 quarts water

  • Rinse wheat in water to remove dust
  • soak the grain over night in filtered water, cover the jar with a papertowl and fasten with a rubber band to keep insects out. lay the jar on its side to drain allowing the wheat to sprout for 1-3 days or until the roots are 1-3mm long. Rinse to prevent the grains from drying out, and to remove potentially harmful organisms. In hot weather you may need to rince 4-5 times a day
  • Fill the jar with water and ferment the culture for 1-2 days or until it has gone milky eith a layer of froth. I ferment 24 hours and than ferment the sprouts again for 48 hours. I don't ferment longer because i dont like the taste if fermented longer 
Wheat berry is not gluten free for gluten free use Quinoa, quinoa also sprouts faster in about 24 hours. Also try Rye which is a good alternative to wheat berry.
Quinoa recipe 1/4c quinoa to 1 gallon of water
Rinse and than soak for 12 hours rinse 2-3 times once grain sprouts add clean water and ferment 24 hours cover with a papertowel and rubber band to keep insects out

Sprouted grain I use twice than I make bread out of the grain..

Night time I think I'll drink some more of that choco green juice and a nice homemade V-8.. i alaways juice on fasts when ever i am hungry i juice juice juice...

Why Juice is good for me :)

Today I start, I have not been feeling all that well, I have been feeling icky and my tummy is in constant turmoil and sometimes we tend not to do things we need to be doing. Me I love food, I love to cook I really enjoy making new recipes. I have alot of weaknesses the first one is tamales, black beans and chocolate. I love chocolate anything..I have a bunch of carnivores in my house and no matter what i say they have certain veggies they will eat and thats it. The males in the house are meat and potato men greens on their plate and their nose twist upward LOL they really have to get over this..

I have read numerous books about Raw food, Vegetarianism and Juicing I really love juicing its just fun to me and my littles she is 11 and she likes to cut the fruits and veggies to fit in the juicer. What I have come to realize over the years is I have several issues and they are not healthy habits..smoking, oversleeping, no energy to get up in the morning and at night problems falling asleep, it was so horrible well I quit smoking months ago.. My lungs feel so great than I started adding more fruits and veggies to my diet, basically whenever I wanted a smoke I would eat a grape or a cherry and would also scold myself and say NO i don't want that.. I quit cold turkey , I want to live a long healthy life with my husband and children.

Drinking juice and smoothies has given me energy I no longer sleep past 8am , I can awaken before my alarm clock rings, it feels so great. Fruits and veggies has changed me in a small amount of time but now its time for a fast, you start to feel weighed a bit and my body needs refreshing....I started a blog so I could keep track of my progress, share with others and learn with others..

If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want.  ~Elbert Hubbard